How much should you undress for a massage?

We use a variety of massage techniques here at Watershed Wellness, and the levels of disrobing can vary depending on what the focus of that day is. The majority of our sessions include techniques that require hands on skin work. This means that some level of disrobing will be helpful. We take great care to keep the areas not being worked on covered as much as possible with a sheet and a blanket when not being worked on. We also try to keep the room appropriately heated or cooled so a sheet and/or a blanket will keep you comfortable temperature wise.

Underwear or no underwear?

The main reason that you wouldn’t wear underwear during a session would be if you had some sort of gluteal/hip pain or lower back pain. The gluteal muscles can be a major contributor to lower back pain, and releasing through this area can provide profound relief throughout the lumbar region. That being said, we know lots of different techniques that can release the musculature over the sheet if you feel uncomfortable with direct work in this area. Your massage therapist will be sure to clarify with you if there are areas that you prefer not to be worked on before you get on the table.

Mostly, it’s a personal preference and we are happy to work around your needs. One of the main things we do at Watershed Wellness is promote a sense of comfort and non-judgment. We want to provide a space where you are able to be yourself, unfiltered. And we also know that getting naked on a massage table with someone that you barely know can be a weird and strange thing. We appreciate your trust and bravery. If you have any further questions, we’d be happy to help (link to email address).

Watershed Community Wellness LLC © 2009 - [#this year :%Y]. All rights reserved.

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